Insurance Rates are on the Rise

Insurance Rates are on the Rise

Insurance companies have been warning us for years that we were going to be hit hard with rate increases.  And they meant it!

South Florida homeowners are getting hit with insurance rate increases unlike anything we’ve experienced before.  We’re seeing 30% to 40% increases over what people are currently paying and maybe more for some homeowners.

Why Insurance Rates are Increasing

Insurance rates are on the rise thanks to Hurricanes Irma and Michael in Florida, others in Texas and Louisiana, an extremely active fire season, rising claim abuses, an abundance of court litigation, the spike in reinsurance costs and many other reasons.

In addition, insurance companies are getting stricter on their underwriting requirements, including the age of your home and roof, proximity to water, and the county and state in which you live.

What was acceptable last year may not be acceptable this year. Insurance companies are licking their wounds from all the claims activity and increasing their restrictions.

Coverage You Need

At RMC, we can help you find the best coverage for your needs by maximizing your discounts and making sure you get everything that you are entitled to receive.

Not all insurance companies rate risks or look at claim’s history the same way.  Every home is different and comes with different risk.

Contact Us

Let us help you find the perfect fit for your insurance needs without sacrificing the coverage you truly need. We offer free insurance reviews to help you understand what you have and what you need.

Contact RMC Group for a free review or quote today at 239-298-8210 or