How Much is Needed for Medical Costs?

How Much is Needed for Medical Costs?

A New Study Shows That Retirees Will Need Six-figure Savings to Cover Post-Retirement Medical Costs.

A recent study conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) found that retirees will need to have hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings to cover post-retirement medical costs. Such costs include premiums, deductibles, and prescription drug expenses—essentially any costs that are out-of-pocket for Medicare beneficiaries.

Research for the study was conducted using a simulation model. This means that variable factors, such as mortality and rates of return on assets, were considered. Then, the amount of money beneficiaries need to put away to cover out-of-pocket costs was determined. Here are the findings from the study:

  • The average projected amount couples will need in order to have a 90% chance of covering post-retirement medical costs is $318,000 in savings.
  • Women are projected to need more savings than men. A woman will need to have around $197,000 saved to pay for healthcare costs in retirement.
  • A man will need $166,000 to meet his healthcare spending requirements in retirement.
  • A couple with high prescription drug expenses will need around $383,000 to have a 90% chance of being able to cover their healthcare expenses after retirement.
  • Those enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans generally have lower savings requirements.

How RMC Can Help

It’s important to remember there is variation within the data and these are projected costs of health care. This means that prices for health care for retirees will vary.

At RMC, we work with business owners to develop the most effective retirement program to meet their needs and goals for retirement.  Our approach to retirement planning is comprehensive and process driven.  We guide our clients to a better retirement strategy beginning with an analysis of the client’s needs and goals. During this process, we examine each factor impacting retirement and then design, implement, and administer the right retirement plan to achieve your financial goals and retirement needs.

For further information on ways to save for retirement, contact RMC Group today to speak with a Retirement Professional at 239-298-8210 or

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